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Sunday, March 15, 2009

Smexxie longkang people!

It was Friday the 13th. (gasp!) but nothing bad happaned to me. its not like i want anything bad to happen to me... but if you're supersticious and all...

i woke up quite late today. Went to school. Wore PJ shirt cuz got gotong royong.

kai yi, her sister and friends and i went out. lepaking. i bought a cold ice thing thingy and shared it with Kai yi.

went in. oh, i suddenly remembered that once, when i was walking in to school. i heard this dude saying " i saved a fish from the pond." o.o

then, i hanged out with my best friends in the Dataran Ilmu.

Went to class. Our ert teacher was busy, so waited for her lar. read Breaking dawn.

then, gotong royong.

we cleaned the longkang! i wasnt doing much, just holding the plastic bag, i wanted to do, but there were not enough gloves to go around so....

Hui ching and renee did the most. hui ching was real funny (as usual). she took in a deep breathe before going down and took some garbage out. And she reapeated the same thing. lawls.

harish was the only guy who really hepled us. the other dudes were giving verbal encouragement by pointing at the mud (which really looked like shit by the way) and said "are those shit?"

after we were done, we took the two bags to throw it into the big rubbish bin behind the canteen.

Phe-ew. it was stinkier than the longkang. then, we were running back, like we were freeor something, shouting


oh ya!

and we were showing people our wonderful hand. *does the dance move*

Friday the 13 was a funalicious day!

oh, and Gabriel smaelled hui ching's hand. THE hand.
